Reduce the racial regulatory burden for all employers – IRR
Why are companies with fewer than 50 employees exempt from developing employment equity (EE) plans and submitting EE reports when the former Minister of ...
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IRR in the Media
Reforming Expanded Public Works Programme a key to job creation – IRR
With unemployment reaching unsustainable heights, grants and public employment programmes like the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) have become a ...
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IRR in the Media
Reforming policy, governance framework key to attracting investment – IRR
South Africa could become an attractive investment destination, provided a suitable policy and governance framework is put in place, according to a new report ...
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IRR in the Media
Regulatory bullying threatens Safair’s success in South African aviation: Ivo Vegter - Biznews
When you have bad laws, expect rivals to exploit them to drag down successful competitors and raise costs for consumers.
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Reimagining political labels: Why left and right are insufficient – Ivo Vegter - Biznews
The traditional left-right distinction is of limited analytical value. I prefer using alternative spectra for political analysis.
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IRR in the Media
Renewed drive for expropriation without compensation will compromise recovery – IRR
9 October 2020 - Pursuing expropriation without compensation (EWC) represents another tragic mistake for which South Africa will pay a heavy price.
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Renewed effort needed to halt Expropriation Bill
12 August 2022 - South Africans have a little more than a month to call on Members of Parliament to halt the Expropriation Bill that stands to make all the ...
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IRR in the Media
Right of reply - John Endres: The IRR holds the liberal line against the left - News24
21 September 2021 - The criticism directed at the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) today is not dissimilar to that which it received for endorsing unpopular ...
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SA heading straight for a brick wall, foot flat on the accelerator - Citizen
5 November 2020 - South Africa is barrelling headlong towards a debt crisis: the government is rapidly approaching a situation where it will be unable to repay ...
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IRR in the Media
SA must get onto a 7% growth track, and that demands boldness and innovative thinking - Daily Maverick
The nation’s GDP growth has barely crawled at an average of 1.2% annually since 2008. Concurrently, GDP per capita has regressed by about R3,000 over this ...
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