ANC stalls at final EWC committee phase
15 September 2022 - The ANC yesterday stalled at the final committee phase of the Expropriation Bill – intended to introduce controversial ...
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ANC support plummets: Election ’24 on a coalition knife edge – Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
As we head into the election, most polls show that ANC support is tracking at below 50 percent. The Brenthurst Foundation poll, conducted last month and ...
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ANC the enemy of small business – Andrew Kenny - Biznews
28 February 2022 - There is only one thing that stops South Africa from having the thriving small business community that would solve our awful unemployment, ...
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ANC trying to lead from behind, while the rest of the AU moves ahead - Politicsweb
10 August 2021 - Following the otherwise unexpected and surprising announcement of Israel’s being granted observer status in the African Union (AU), it was ...
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ANC, the long goodbye – Terence Corrigan - Biznews
26 November 2021 - The events of the past weeks have demonstrated that a political realignment in South Africa is possible, even probable, and quite ...
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ANC-EFF coalition: A doomsday scenario for SA’s future – Corrigan - Biznews
The prospect of the African National Congress (ANC) losing its majority has caused much speculation about its post-election government.
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ANC’s attempt to woo minority voters met with skepticism – Marius Roodt - Biznews
The news that the ANC is looking to woo white and other minority voters back as supporters was met with something approaching universal derision.
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ANC’s betrayal: From liberation to inequality – the soaring wealth gap in South Africa: Andrew Kenny - Biznews
Thirty years of ANC rule have brought massive inequality to South Africa.
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ANC’s renewal is empty rhetoric: Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
The ANC is desperately trying to get across the idea that since it lost its majority at last year’s election, it is on a path of renewal and cleansing. Yet its ...
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ANC’s Russian relations: Will they learn anything from Navalny’s death? – Sara Gon - Biznews
News broke on Friday that Alexei Navalny, a prominent opposition figure in Russia, had died.
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