SONA must reveal pro-growth pivot or Ramaphosa will have failed – IRR
As President Ramaphosa prepares to deliver his first State of the Nation Address as head of the GNU, the IRR urges him and all governing parties to return to ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR: New administration must follow Zondo recommendations
IRR Legal has written to 16 of 18 political parties with seats in the incoming National Assembly to call for the Zondo Report to be placed at the centre of ...
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IRR in the Media
Don’t leave electoral reform on backburner – IRR
While the Government of National Unity (GNU), and South Africa as a whole, face many pressing challenges, the need for electoral reform must not be forgotten, ...
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IRR in the Media
Will South Africa find its Messiah?
South Africa has ‘a Mandela-shaped hole’ in its psyche, and something will fill it. Whether this is good or bad is uncertain.
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IRR in the Media
Stand-off between government and corporate SA as business sphere deteriorates – Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
All the signs are that there is now a stand-off between government and corporate South Africa, while the business environment deteriorates.
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The party or the people? - The Citizen
Towards the end of his State of the Nation Address, President Ramaphosa departed from his written text to reflect on the role he plays in the life of the ...
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IRR in the Media
Taboo debate: For better or worse after Apartheid? – Andrew Kenny - Biznews
Who spoke these words (very loudly) and on what occasion? “South Africa, as a country, was more functional during apartheid than it currently is … Love or hate ...
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IRR in the Media
Time to take city governance seriously – IRR
Governance in most of South Africa’s metros has become increasingly chaotic. When mayors are constantly being replaced and recycled, it is residents who are ...
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More absurd claims about the EWC constitutional amendment bill- South Africa - Farming Portal
11 September 2021 - Now that the Constitutional Court has ruled that the local government election must be held between 27th October and 1st November 2021, ...
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IRR in the Media
Municipal headache pills – a whip and self-help situation - Biznews
22 June 2022 - South Africa’s municipal crisis is worsening, but there is hope that with greater citizen involvement and new political blood, matters could be ...
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